Monday, November 30, 2009


Thanksgiving weekend flew by, as did today. This weekend I was able to spend some time with a good friend of mine. Watch some great movies, and caught up on some sleep. It was the perfect weekend.

Today was back to the grind. For this week is my first board meeting with my new job. Today I spend the entire day putting the shipment together. Printing badges, rosters, tent name it. When it is all said and done, the stuff is packed and ready to head off to California. Thankfully, I don't leave until Thursday. That provides me a couple more days to figure out what I forgot. After all, once the shipment is gone, there is no way for me to go back and double check that it is correct. Makes for a couple sleepless nights, but hey, it is par for the course. :) Hopefully a good workout will help calm some nerves.

Tony taught me some new exercises to help work on my stomach. And one nice comment - no more milkshakes. That I was not too fond of. I have one freakin milkshake a year, and I am getting crap for it! But then, I guess it is good, for it makes me work out. Other than that, I have been running. Trying to get my speed up. Not sure I will make it today, allergies have been tough on the whole breathing thing, and the office smells like stain due to new cabinets going up in the kitchen. That isn't good to breath in either. Excuses...I know!! :)

Well, I best go change to workout. After all, even if I only run for 15 minutes, it beats not running at all. Right? :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Since it is the time of the year to be thankful, I decided to share my list. And I hope others do as well.

1. I am thankful for the love of my family. Through all the changes and new obstacles that arise throughout the year, my family has always been there for support and encouragement.
2. A wonderful brother who keeps me under his wing. To this day, if I call him to say hello and he is busy - he will still answer his phone and ask "are you okay?" My answer is always yes, and he indicates he will call me later. He is a good brother.
3. My job. I was provided an opportunity to take a new adventure and it was one I took with much excitement. My boss is tough, but kind. My co-workers...they are opening up to me.
4. My Father. For he gives me the strength when I feel as if I have none left. He drove with me from Phoenix...not many father's do that anymore. He has encouraged me to be the person I am today. Now, I may not be perfect, but I am me.
5. My friends. Kelly #2, for we keep each other in line. Anita - for we have many things to laugh about and she provides lots of wisdom. Bobby - well...for being him. Tony - for all the laughs. Kacey - for being the best kid sister a girl could ask for - i am proud of you!
6. My my faith, for with out my faith I would be lost. For the love of our Lord keeps me going, even when you feel there is no one to talk to, you have One that will never leave your side. How can you not love that!
7. For my health. So many people have been sick this year, and I am blessed to have a pretty much healthy year.
8. For shelter - I am grateful to have a roof over my head, and a refrigerator full of yummy food!
9. Freedom. We have so many wonderful young men and women who keep fighting for our freedom, one thing we should never take for granted. Every day we should be thanking them for doing when I can not do. Not everyone has that courage!
10. Bart. Now he may be big boned, but he sure is fun to have around. :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving with the people they care about. Please take time to give your thanks and remember what we have been given, and how spoiled we really are. We all live amazing lives, yes we have those trying times, but when it boils down to it, we are all lucky to be living they way we do.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just another day

Things are continuing to go well, it has only been about a month and a half, but things are going well. I am still enjoying where I live, enjoy my job, and so far, I have had a little bit of a life. Now remember this, for we are coming up on the holiday's and I am staying in Texas. So when I write and say I miss my friends and family - it is primarily due to the holiday season. Don't get me wrong, I miss them and all, but I am not sitting here depressed missing them!

I have it all planned out. This weekend, I am going to get my oil changed (exciting I know), and look at fun recipes I can make for the Thanksgiving weekend. Little odds and ends items that I can munch on through cheesey movies, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, and football games. Since it is just me (and Bart boy) I will try to make it a good one.
Last Thanksgiving, my friend and I started it off with a hike. Maybe I will do something similar, before the parade (depending on when it starts) get a workout in. That way it is done, and I can proceed to eat what I want.

No good stories to tell. Mom was in town this past weekend. It was a quick trip - flew in Friday night and left Sunday morning. Quick. However, we did manage to get my place decorated...just not my bedroom. I will probably play with that over Thanksgiving weekend as well. Move things around. That and reorganize some closets. Any who, back to mom's visit. We spent quite a bit of money, but we just lucked out with finding a lot of great items. Bart Boy is still trying to get some of the new hangings off the wall, but luckily no success yet. He will be in BIG trouble if/when he succeeds!

Well I best get, lots to do. Although I do wish it was the last half of the day rather than the first half!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hey Y'all!

So much has changed since I last wrote. The biggest change of all, I have taken a new job and moved to Texas. I have been here for a little over a month now, and my routine is shaping up rather nicely.

So far, I have kept busy. Which is for the best, might I add. Moving to a location where you know few people, and those you know are your old can be tough. The old co-workers are not true friends that you can call when low or call at any point just to say hi. It is as if you are starting fresh, even with them. When it boils down to it, no friends and no family, yet here I am...happy.

My boss is incredible. He is kind, yet stern. Certainly not the guy that will sugar coat a mistake when you make one! Straight and to the point. It never leaves you guessing, so that is a plus. My boss invited me along with 10 other people to the Dickies 500 (Nascar) at the Texas Motor Speedway - needless to say, I was thrilled. Any car big car race (Nascar, Indy Car) they are all day events, and they are what you make of them. Boss knew I am an Indy Car fan, reason for the invite, and I was grateful. The Dickies 500 was my first Nascar race, and I was delighted to be there. It is tough to beat a full day of entertainment along with fried chicken and a frosty beverage!

My job is great. What I am doing is similar to what I did when I lived in DC, with a twist. Instead of planning conferences and inviting speakers, I help plan board meetings. Find the locations, plan the food, activities - the "fun" stuff. Yes, it has only been a month or so, but I am happy. Even though 95% of the office does not like me. Two people like me. The accountant and my boss. When it boils down to it, that is all I need, and I am happy.

Bart, you might be wondering how Bart took the move. He is a trooper, that's for sure! In our new apt, he has something he hasn't had before - a patio. Yes, I have had patios in past apartments, however, Bart was not allowed on them without being roped up and supervision. This patio, he can see through the railing, so I don't have to worry about him jumping up and over the railing on accident. He LOVES that patio. If he could spend all his days out there, watching birds, dogs, people - you name it - he would be in heaven!

I am still getting used to all the adjustments, but I am getting there. Slowly, but surely.

Leaving Phoenix was tougher than I thought it would be. It was quick. My friends found out that I was leaving after I gave my two week notice - for my friends/family in Phoenix were co-workers. Telling Anita, the person I saw more than anybody else, that was beyond tough. And telling her I was going to be really leave for TX my last day of work in Phoenix, that sucked. We still talk, and email just about every day. But I miss having someone around like her. We knew what foods eachother liked and how we liked them, what we did when we were stressed/mad/sad, how to make each other laugh, we knew when to make the other person take a break. Anita probably knows me the best, of any person I know due to how closely we worked together and how much time we spent together due to work. That type of friendship is rare, but I am glad I found it.

Anywho. Many changes have taken place, and now I am starting over. New location. New identity. It will be interesting to see how Texas is after a year.