Tuesday, March 8, 2005


Heres how it works. I read Kyle's blog with his entry concerning this Blog-A-Thon, then I said hey 'interview me'. So now he has sent a couple questions of his creation for me to answer here. So here are the rules if you care to play along:
1. Leave Me a comment saying “interview me”
2. I’ll respond by asking you five questions in the same row of comments you wrote in or on your blog. They’ll be different for each person I interview and from the questions that were asked me.
3. Update your blog/site with the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves)
4. Include an explanation like this and don’t leave anything out but it doesn’t have to be the same shpiel. Is shpeil spelled right?
5. Give other people interviews when they leave you “interview me” notes.

Here are the answes and the questions the kyle asked of me:

1>If you were Wilie Coyote, how would you finally catch the roadrunner, and how would you prepare it for dinner?

To catch the roadrunner, I had to come up with a strategic plan, and luckely, I am GREAT at those! (My crayons and coloring books work wonders that way.) Since you want to know SO badly how I caught the poor guy, I will tell you. I met up with my good friend Harry, Harry Potter that is, and we got chatting. You know how that goes, you say hello to a friend and three hours later you are having your third beer comparing stories. Then he mentioned his invisible cloak - and it hit me! Since Harry and I are great friends, especially after three beers, he let me borrow the cloak. I wrapped that wonderful material around me and walked right up to roadrunner, grabbed his neck and hit him in the head with a brick. I tied roadrunner to a log, then off I went to return what I borrowed and said my thank you's. I couldn't wait to get back to my dinner though. That night, instead of my normal pig roast, I had my roadrunner roast - and I have to say, it was mighty tasty. A must have in my books!

2>Pick a mutant ability from a Marvel movie(XMen, Spiderman, etc.), and how would you use that gift to save ants from becomming an endagered speices?

To help save the ants, I would have to use Wolverine's power. (Just because he is my favorite, even though I don't know how to spell his name!) With the claws that come out of my hands, I would be able to kill off all the animals trying to hurts those lovely creatures. And I would sing a song as I watched those hard working ants dig those tunnels: "The ants go marching one by one, HURAHH HURAHH!..." I am one with the ants! And with my claws, and can protect and provide - meaning scare little mutants and take their snacks then feed them to my little friends!

3>Being a female of the spieces, do you have an emercency pair of pants, which are they and most of all why the heck does someone need an emergancy pair of pants?

Yes, I do have an emergency pair of pants. What is an emergency pair pants, well to me this is the explanation. Every person has pants that are classified as "favorites", and you wear those all the time. But they eventually get dirty, and you need to wash them. Then what do you wear - your emergency pants. The pants that are okay, not your favorite - but they will do for the time being until your "favorites" are clean again. Those emergencies very rarely need to be cleaned since you wear them for a couple hours here and there. I have them, and I rarely wear them.

4>Your on a raft alone in the ocean with Rudie, you have a fishing pole and bait. You dont like seafood, what would you do?

We all know that I love my wittle Rudie! HI RUDIE! (okay, I know he can't read, but I very well can't be rude and not say hello.) Anywho, back to my answer...what I would do is fish, feed Rudie, and as time goes by, I would little by little learn to suffer through eating a meal consisting of trout and other sorts of fish with Rudie. Plus, since I am stuck on a raft for that long, I will become hilusinate and after a while, I might think that I am a guest of Rudie's and he is serving fish for dinner - that way I would have to eat it, that way I don't make the host ( Rudie) feel bad. FISH FOR DINNER - FISH IT IS!

5>Descirbe to me your perfect day-dream car. You can make the whole entire thing up, make and model dont even need to exist, and tell why you decided to include certain features. Reality and the natural laws of physics and economics do not play in this.

My perfect dream car. Are you ready for this one?! My car would be a small car, and it would have a night sky camo look. Inside the car, it would be built like a shuttle, be controlled like a shuttle. This is because it can travel to space. I will be able to land on Jupiter and study the craters and the red hole. This car will have a great camera system to help take pictures of everything I find. It is a very diverse car. Space travel, can hover with no gravity, and has the ability to drive on a street like a normal car. The wheels are made for roads and space travel. And the radio - I can ask it to play what ever song I want when ever I want to hear it. And yes, that mean if I want to hear the same song over and over again for over a week straight - I can! WHO WANTS TO RIDE WITH ME?!


Kyle Wash said...

Nice answers! I hope you iked my quiry questions!

liam said...

Interesting and weird question/answers. but you still havent told us what your emergency pants are

liam said...

oh yeah