Monday, January 16, 2006

bullfrogs and butterflies

Ah, another week is starting. It is getting to the point where I have so much work to do, I don't know where to begin - yet I have to time to sit here and type. This weekend went fast. Saturday I slept in and then went to Mike's to watch the Redskins game. During the game I learned how fun it is to slide down the basement steps on a folded folding chair. It's amazing how fast you get going! Sunday, Mom and Dad came over and helped me work around the house. Dad fixed the vents and welded the copper piping together for my 14ft curtain rode. Mom and I redecorated. Moved things around in the kitchen and the living room. I was going to do a bit of work over the weekend, but that never happened!!

But I am sitting here now, thinking about all those shmucks that have today off and those few of us that are stuck here working. Although I did take my hour lunch as talked in the kitchen with some co-workers. OH! I also played There are 14 ways to Whack your boss - and it was very important for me to find all 14 ways - so I did. I was very proud of myself, that takes dedication!! As for my afternoon, I have a show guide due at 5 - have I started it - NOPE! I was supposed to be due on Friday, but it got pushed back to today. I have been trying to work on it for a week now, but things come up. So now I have 3.5 hours to get it done! But I would rather play games since the boss is out! work - -, decisions are the worst!

Words of Wisdom:
Do not put paper wrappers in the toaster oven! Tried!


Kyle Wash said...

nice title, I remeber that record! Be Patient, be patient, no need to be in a hurrry.

liam said...

Paper...Fire...Bad! And why werent we paying attention the game and playing some chair sled game? Doesnt show team commitment to me!