Tuesday, March 28, 2006


YAY! I was having the worst afternoon, and then I get an email from our office manager informing me I can move to a new cube over the weekend! I have been needing a larger cube for a while now, and it was just offered to me. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. I think it will be for the best. A different location will be for the best.

Other than that. I am pretty boring. Right now I can't wait to go home. And it is that time, so this will be short. I am getting excited, the INDY 500 is just about 2 months away! I can't wait to go this year. Last year, with all the weddings last year I was unable to go. But no sir, not this year. Screw the weddings, and baby showers (and yes, I am skipping a baby shower for this!) - it is indy car time!! I watched the end of the Toyota 300 on Sunday. There seemed to be many crashes - and even one died once he reached the hospital. That got me thinking that it would have to suck, but then not exactly, he died doing something he loved. I can only hope that people would be able to pass doing something they enjoyed that much. I just hope he wasn't in too much pain. If I was given the chance, I would drive that race in a heartbeat. What a thrill. While I was at Purdue, I wished I was well-known enough to be chosen to be a driver in the Grand Pre race. Ah, the dreams!

Well, I am heading home. A couch waiting for me and an uncle to call and check on. Kyle - did you hear Craig had a mini stroke? He was in strong for a while, supposed to be released this afternoon.

Good night all! I am off to disappear into my home.

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