Friday, April 7, 2006


Last night was the 18th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner. I went last year, but I forgot how much they put into this event. It is a dinner for about 2500 people, most being fire chiefs throughout the nation.

They open the event with the Joint Maryland Fire Service Honor Guard, they knock your socks off with how good they are! It is so nice to see people that truely love our country, put their heart and sole into their work, and perform selfless deeds everyday.

Congressman Curt Weldon is the founder of the Congressional Fire Servies Institute (CFSI) 19 years ago, and he gave two wonderful remarks last night. He showed a video on the fireman's view of Katrina. A fireman had written a song to go along with the video and a firelady sang the song, it gave you goose bumps. Very eye opening! Last night was primarity about the theme, a theme that was on the positive note. They want everyone to think of the positives, remember the good times, how many lives have been saved!

The theme: "Leadership Saves Lives...So Everyone Goes Home"

It was a powerful night, and I was glad to be there. Eventhough I didn't get home until almost 11:30. Oh, I do have to tell you about dinner. We had smashed taters, greenbeans, and green beef. Yes, green beef - will someone, anyone please inform us as to why our beef was green. Our whole table was looking at eachother wondering if it was safe to eat! I didn't want to disappoint any of my fans, I ate the entire thing! Very tasty. The smashed taters had a horseradish taste to it, and went extremely well with the beef.

Okay, I am off to work. My show directory deadline is today and there is lots to be done!!! Plus, I am still needing to wake up. I couldn't fall asleep last night.

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