Sunday, August 10, 2008


As a child, it is safe to say that fish wasn't a favorite. We can even take that further, fish, if it touched my plate, it took a lot for my parent to get me to even take one bite.

As an adult (if 29 counts for an adult) I have to say I am trying to open up my palate a bit. Fish or seafood is still not something I crave, but little by little more fish is finding it's way to my plate. Tonight I am cooking fish for my very first time. It may not come out well, but at least effort was made. As for seasoning, I went for more heat than zest. After looking at a couple recipes, this is my seasoning:

EVOO on the bottom and lightly over the top of the Tilapia
salt and pepper
little lemon juice (after all this is fish we are talking about)
a mixture of ground red pepper and chili powder
sprinkled on top is crushed red pepper and a bit of garlic.

I may have went a bit crazy with the garlic and the lemon, but you gotta try if you are going to learn! As a side dish, creamed spinach. Thought about serving some rice or noodles with the fish, but I am opting not to. It doesn't seem as if it will fit in well with the spinach.

Cooking is an I enjoy testing my abilities in! My brother my cook for a living, but I love to be in the kitchen just as much creating my own masterpiece. :)

In the frig are some mushrooms - LOVE mushrooms. I am trying to come up with a tasty recipe to put those in. Maybe tomorrow night will be pasta with broccoli and mushrooms on top. Food for though.

1 comment:

Julie said...

If you want great fish recipes you seriously need to contact my dad. He has the BEST fish ideas ever.

He periodically asks how the lesbian is doing. Haha. (Remeber he asked if you were on b/c we were having a sleepover and we were over 12.)