Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Roomie

So, it's come at last. At last it's come, the day I knew would come at last has come, at last. I am moving in...with a roommate.

You heard that right. Yep, I have gone and got myself a roommate. I have been living by myself since 2003. Lived with William, gave him a nice little nickname (which he had always hated all nicknames, but he allowed mine) of Willy. Now, not many people could call him that, mainly me...but he had a nickname. Willy. Willy was my first and last roommate. Last due to moving to a place I knew no one. First, well, now that was because I begged! He gave in. :)

Willy and I had a good year. Ended not so well, but we recovered. And here I am 6-7 years later moving in with a roommate. Here's the shocker for those that know me, it's a girl. Yep, found me a girl roommate. I will admit, that I never saw coming. 8 years ago, I swore I would never room with a girl. Broke that promise to myself. HA.

Her name - Kelly. No I am not moving in with myself. I am moving in with another girl named Kelly. For the longest time we heard "it's the Kelly's!" - yea we are over that. We actually really dislike it. So be it. She is nice. We are both stubborn, hard working, stubborn...yea - bound for trouble. We are already disputing who gets the "other" bedroom. Sad I know. Neither of us want the room with the walk in closest. No Sir. And I have to say - I will even say, since I have a cat, I can't have the master...with the master there is no place for me to put the litter box. But that is a whole other story.

We move a week from today. This is my last week to listen to MY music, watch what I want to watch, do what ever I want to do. And what am I doing, writing to who ever reads this! haha...that is how awesome i am!

Well, as I give up half of MY space..y'all pray for me, for I will need it! TRUST ME. This is a huge change for me.

g'night all - for it is time for me to get back to packing.