Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Me Again - 4 Topics

One - The Little Family....I LOVE YOU! You crack me up! And are soooo right.

Two - I love my job. Love what I do, love the feelings you get during show set up, show start and end of show. You had a hand in it, no one may know it but you, and it feels great! It is that time in my pre-show prep that I am stress, overwhelmed, frustrated, name it. Everything that is in place changes, things are added - it is the exciting/stressful/exhausting part or show prep. If you look at my right now my cheeks are red, my eyes are puffy - I look H O T T hot! oh yea. This is the time one questions why we do what we do. I even text my dad last night asking him why I do my job. Even I know that answer - the challenge, the feeling you get when you pull it off, the learning curve. But I could sure go for that big bear hug right about now. Thankfully I have the support of my co-workers and bosses - that helps even though it can still be long days.

Three - my dear friend kelly called me last night and we talked for a while. She pointed out a good point - she or my other friend need to pull me from work when i need a break. I don't stop and take a break by myself. Kelly made me realize i need to find my stopping points. I have no idea where to begin in doing that or how to go about it. I keep telling myself that I just need to get through September...but Kelly is right, what happens after September? Food for thought on my end.

Four - (and last) - Bart. Not sure he is big on Phoenix. Last night we camped out in the bathroom until 4am. This is the only room, besides the laundry room, that has no windows. With it been monsoon season, phoenix can have some interesting nights. Bart was terrified last night and the bathroom is seems as shelter from all scary things. Now, i am not one to make fun seeing i am terrified of thunder and lightening. Bart however, is terrified of wind as well. Last night it was lightening and strong wind. Bathroom it was. We are needing to have a "need to leave Phoenix talk" tonight per Bart. I am sure that will go over real well with the person that actually brings home the bacon, not the one that just eats it. :)

Well I am off to sign off at work. Have a good night all.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Bart is smart. That is where I would go if there was a storm outside.

Oh and for the record, the Little's love you too!