Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Coyote Collins

"My dad told me to go out and make something of myself....it's too cold out here to make anything of myself!" This is one of my favorite quotes from Coyote as we were standing out in the cold one morning shooting my "Coyote" documentary. That quote comes to mind every time it is cold enough to see your breath outside. And it just brings a smile to my face. Those were some times in my life where it just couldn't get any better. Looking back, I wouldn't have changed a thing, with everything I learned from him. Coyote really wanted me to get out there and experience life. He really believed in me, in who I was - more than I ever did, and I carry that with me everyday, where ever I go. It's the little things that really matter. It isn't your GPA or your IQ, it is the road you choose to take and how you take it. Coyote had a degree in macro economics, yet he enjoyed being a disk jockey for more than 25 years of his life. Me, I have a degree in Communications and I would love more than anything else to be an astronaut. (By the way, Coyote has dibs on the first flight with me!)

Now, when ever it comes to a point where I doubt myself, Coyote enters my head and lectures me. Filling my mind with all his witty sayings and his little sidekick comments on what he will be doing when I am on TV after moon walking or as the next Diane Sawyer. He had high hopes for me, and one day, I want to have the opportunity to call him and say, "We're going up!" (into space that is) I am not sure if Coyote knows how much he influenced my life over the three years we worked together, but one day he will. I can only hope that that one day comes sooner than later!

I leave you with a "Coyote" question:
What do you say, when you are standing there, in front of Jesus, holding your book of life asking you - What did you do with the life the Lord gave you?

1 comment:

mlwash said...

Good story.

Maybe you should find Coyote and write him a brief note and tell him what you are up to. He would probably like it since someone who impacts your life likes to hear about it once in a while.