Thursday, December 8, 2005

Christmas is in the air

Today was a tough day at work. No one had any sort of focus for work, people were just walking around asking others what they were doing. And when you are trying to focus, it just makes it more difficult.

I would like to apologize for any misspelling now. I can't see the screen, for Bart is in my way chasing the curser!

Tonight I think Bart and I will bring out the tree. It might be fun to decorate a bit, and but the Thanksgiving items away (all three of them!). I am still needing to figure out what to get my person in the family and what to get for our work gift exchange. I think I have my person figured out in my family - but for work I am stumped! A lot of people are doing alcohol, but there are those that don't drink and those that don't like hard alcohol (me!) - so I don't want to get that. I may go to the mall during lunch tomorrow and see what I find.

So hints for who has me:
~a calendar for my wall.
~a new movie to have on hand (those are always fun - Blockbuster or Hollywood sell the used ones and you might be able to get Neploean Dynamite at a good price or even Dodge ball) Also I don't have any action movies. NO SCAREY MOVIES - I do like to sleep at night thanks! I would prefer not to have the movie Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - as funny as it might be, I just can't deprive others from having that movie.
~or something you think I might like. Something that reminds me who it came from.
~donate the money to a charity and tell me who it was donated to in a funny card


Okay, I am off to make dinner. Yum!
P.S. Bart can't wait to show everyone his letter to santa!


Sean said...

Hey, you know that book called "Everybody Poops"? They should make that into a movie! I'd buy it for you. :)

"Merry Christmas, Everybody Poops."

kelly said...

Everybody Poops? I will have to look into it, I have never heard of it. Is it like the email "How to poop at work?" cos I LOVE that!