Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Yet another Tuesday

So today came and it is almost gone. Pretty soon I will be cooking myself dinner, and popping in a movie (at this time of year it is typically a Christmas movie) and relaxing until it is time for bed (or until I pass out on the couch) and then it will be another day. The days are going fast. Work is keeping me very busy, by the time I get home I am exhausted. Everyday it is contracts, speaking agreements, brochures, VIP tickets, exhibitors over and over and over again. But now I feel as if I am fighting for my job, trying to prove I am the right person for it.

So here it is, another night - Tuesday night - Gilmore Girl!! Usually that is a wonderful thing, but we are in repeats, and I am not so fond of repeats. So Christmas movie it is, and dinner. I need to go to the store, get tape and wrap presents - but that can be done tomorrow!

I know this weekend is Christmas, but it doesn't feel like it. My brother seems to be all excited, and this year - I am just not sharing that with him. I don't feel like the grinch, I kinda feel like Cindy Lou Hou in the beginning of the movie. You know, when she sings "Where are you Christmas?" It'll come, it just hasn't yet.

Tonight I might hang out with Mike. He seems to be having trouble with his scrabble game. Last time I kicked his butt, and it looks like I may have to do it again. Sorry Mike - truth hurts - I beat you in bowling and now scrabble...what's next?? Soccer? Basketball? I mean, the list can go on and on!

Well I am off to make dinner. Have a good night!

Oh Willy - where the hell is my broccoli casserole???


Kyle Wash said...

I'm not really looking forward to this Christmas as much as you think I am. I'm looking forward to Christams eve with Christine and Sean. But Christmas day I'll be driving alot since I'm house sitting for the listies, and Sichaks are getting together in Chili. I'll just be glad when eveything is done and I can just chill out.

Sean said...

Me too! Christmas Eve is going to be awesome.

liam said...

actually im making some right now. wanna come over on christmas and have some?

Sean said...

I think that you are do for a new post! Geeesh!

Xtine said...