Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My

Work is beginning to get burry. I have so many projects sitting on my desk. Our Maritime show is quickly approaching, and I feel like I am lost on the madness. Between making sure all the exhibitors, barters, and speakers have all the correct information and then making sure I have everything in order that I need and my boss needs – I am just lost in it all. The hours I am putting in is killing me. In the beginning I thought I was doing so good, my organization was perfect, and I had everything under control. Now I have deadlines to meet, the show directory to design and everything needs to be done asap. Anywho, I am tired.

My plans:
Get as much done until 6:00
– go home and eat dinner
7:00 - ?? work from home
?? – 6am sleep

This will be my routine until show time. Hopefully my 3 pages of things to do will be better by Monday. I would love to feel like I am on top of it again. Either that or not be tired. You pick.

Oh – and this that when you ask a guy to do something, he automatically thinks you are interested in him? Why can't he think it is a friend thing? I never did get that.

1 comment:

Kyle Wash said...

I hope your show goes off well, I'm sure it will. Are you gong to be able to chill out a bit after the showis done?

Sorry about the guys, we're kinda dumb like that :)