Thursday, November 16, 2006

Beer on the Strip

The past five days have been pretty interesting. I had a blast in Vegas. It was so nice to be working in a fun environment due to the people I was with. I haven't smiled that much while working in a long time.

A little bit of my past...I would have to say I haven't dated all that many guys. I am usually pretty picky. I have yet to date that one guy where when you are with him, everything is great becuase he is there. About 9-10 years ago, I met someone that made me feel special. Never dated this guy, but when he was there I had a smile on my face. I liked him, but never had the nerve to tell him - never thought he would see me the same way. This guy I saw again on Sunday. We picked up right where we left off the last time we hung out, that was never a problem with us. It felt great to be walking down the strip catching up one what has happened the past years. Saying goodbye to him was one of the most difficult things I have done in a very long time. You tend to forget how much people mean to you and how they impacted your life. All those feelings I had 9-10 years ago can back full fledged. I wish I had more time to talk to him about everything and nothing at all. He, in my mind, rings that bell. I have never dated him, so I could be wrong - but he is a guy I never want to lose for 9-10 years again. I just hope I see him again soon.

1 comment:

Dan said...

That's quite touching - and more than a little bittersweet.

Also, congratulations on successfully combining work and beer-fueled-mayhem in Vegas. Not something many folks can pull off.