Wednesday, November 1, 2006


During my show in October, I received one of the nicest compliments I could have ever received. A couple days ago, something triggered my memory. However, there is a story.

Couple months ago, I was picked up for a “date” and was wearing my typical attire since we had hung out a couple times, I didn’t think I had to get all girlied up. He saw me in my jeans and tee and made a comment: “I guess we can go somewhere were that attire is appropriate.” That comment mixed with another informing me that I am not the girl guys date, I am the girl that guys go to the bar with, grab a beer and hang out.

If that is who I am, okay. I am not going to try to dress in fashionable clothing at all times to attract people – that isn’t who I am. Jeans and a sweatshirt are me. If you don’t like it, that is your problem.

Back to my point. I was at my show in October, and the guys wanted to grab a beer at the end of one of our days. “The guys” are the guys I see at every event we put on. However, they are in jeans and polo’s and I am in a suit. There was no doubt that I was going to meet up with them, but of course I had to change into “my” clothes. Since I know these guys pretty well, I didn’t feel the need to put on fashionable attire, I went comfortable. As I was sitting at a hotel bar area with them, one of the newer guys from the group made a comment on my attire. “Kel, you look good in your suit, and you look good dressed down. That is good thing to have.”

I thought that was the nicest thing someone could have told me. He isn’t a guy I date, he is a friend. And for that, I am thankful. It is nice to have people that make you smile when others try to tell you what is wrong with you.

Thanks to my favorite light bulb man!!!


Dan said...

I've never been a fan of putting much stock in the clothes someone wears. Maybe my experiences with uniform inspections ("You have a irish pennant [loose thread] on you trou. Two demerits!") colored my opinion. I'm more interested in character. Having said that, that sounds like a nice compliment - it doesn't matter what you wear, you make it work either way. More about you then your clothes.

kelly said...

That is what I always thought! Personality is what matters.

Kyle Wash said...

That was a very nice hting for him to say. Don't I compliment you all the time though, that doesn't count?
