Saturday, January 1, 2005


I don't mean to sound rude or selfish, but I am pretty frustrated with work - once again. I am sick people asking when their break is - be thankful you get a break. Today it was brought to my attention that one of the guys that is one management level under what I am makes A LOT more than I do. Then my friend wants to know why when he has only been with the company for a year - and why I don't make that when I have been with the company almost seven. I do have to say, that is really annoying. I put everything into this company, and I get paid the least. That doesn't make you feel so good. Maybe I just shouldn't care as much as I do. The sad this is, I am not the only way that feels that way, and if things don't come around upper management is going to have a lot of upset people on their hands. Work calls!


Sean said...

Oh boy you sound unhappy. I can give you a bit of advise. It might help, it might not. It seems to me that there is some desire in everybody's work careers to be noticed, recognized, appreciated, and compensated properly. I understand that completely. But, what a fellow employee makes is confidential. I'm not defending the other person here. I'm just saying that what they make should not be brought up to your management. It just doesn't look good. Sad, but true. It will actually be a negative strike against you if you bring it up. If you feel that you deserve more money that what you make, you should talk to your superior about it in a professional manner. This can be extremely difficult, but it works. I did it at my job out here. I wanted to say to my boss, "What the hell is with this place?! I deserve more than this and you know it!" But I sat down with my divisional manager and told her what I would like to make and explained why I thought that I deserved it. I got the pay increase - no questions asked. And this was not a small amount of money that I asked for. But, I still got it. I've noticed that with Wegmans there is a lot of politics involved. They like to "shape and mold" people to what they want. Big companies seem to also like someone that can defend themselves in a well articulated manner while maintaining their composure. You don't have to worry about what someone else gets paid. Worry about you. I had a hard time with management in general at Chase-Pitkin/Wegmans. But, that could just be my overall problem with authority in companies. They seem to have their heads up their you know what. One sad fact is that when you work for a company that size you have to play the game. I know it sucks. Just be cool about it and be honest with them about how you feel. Don't mention someone else's pay though. You'll be glad you didn't. I don't discuss my pay with my coworkers. If they ask how much I make I say, "I make enough." And then I laugh. Anyway, hope I helped Kel. Good luck!

Sean said...

Sorry spelling error..... that's advice. Ok, sorry about that.

liam said...

everybody here has valid points. But.......... Mrs. Wash i have to disagree with something. Your worth at work is represented by how much you get paid. My example is me. I know more and do more than anyone at the frameshop at chase. Unfortunately i get paid the least out of anyone there, including the other part-timers. This is truth not fiction. And they do this because they can get more outta me for less. Which is subsequently happening to Kelly. Plain and simple shes getting dicked.