Friday, May 13, 2005

I am due.

I am due. I due to see my brother. I miss him. I think about him everyday, and I am lucky if I get to talk to him once every couple weeks. We work different schedules, so we basically go by the “no news is good news” theory. I am beginning to hate that theory. The weather is getting nicer, and last year around this time K and I went to Canandaigua Lake together in the jeep with the top down. We lay on the docks while our feet dangled down towards to water and we just talked. We talked about getting a sunfish or even a little dingy to have so in the summer on our days off together we would go out on the water and sit. Both of us probably new that wouldn’t happen, but we liked the thought of it. Moving away from K was one of the hardest things I have ever done. And for a while, the longest I would have to wait to see him was two months. We are going on month 5 now – that is a long time. I don’t think I have ever gone 4 or 5 months without seeing him, not even when we were in college. Here is your heads up K, I would like a brother fix!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.

Kyle Wash said...

Thanks for the warning! :)

July is comming, maybe we can work out so we can goto Lake George. I probably can get the time off, let me know if you can.