Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Ever since I found out Rudie passed, I have been in a funk. I was pretty grouchie after Kyle left town, and today - still not there. I don't know - it'll pass - it is just annoying. I don't really want to do anything, so I make myself do it.

Last night I drug mom out with me to go couch shopping. It is nice to have a second opinion on something that people will be sitting on besides yourself. We have gone to a couple places, but last night we went to Value City Furniture. I ended up buying my first couch. It is nice - and not too pricey!! It comes a week from tomorrow, so that will be fun.

Oh, another thing I have done was start to decorate for Christmas. I thought that would put me in a better mood. I made a super cheesey fireplace on my wall and hung Bart and my stockings on it.

Above are some pictures from when Kyle was in town. He had some better pictures - I mainly took ones of Bart. Hey - he was sitting still because of his de-clawing and de-balling - so I had to take advantage of it. He was a good sport. Now, back to kitty. But I do have to say that he isn't nearly as hyper as he was before his little proceedures!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our little Mike got deballed a little while ago, and he calmed down a little too. But he still can run with the best of them.

As far as your funk goes, don't get upset with yourself. You'll be back to normal soon. Or whatever we call "normal" for Kelly.

BTW, love the pictures. Your family looks like too much fun. Next holiday, your house. Me. There. Oh, and my favorite picture was the butt shot of your dad. Mmmm.... (I am going to hell. THat was so bad.) ~ CP girl.