Monday, October 16, 2006


I am glad that people talk to me, don’t get me wrong, but I am tired of being the cheerleader. Each day it is difficult to plaster on that smile and say everything is great. People I work with are down and look to me to make them smile. They don’t know that I am down too. I drive to work and want to cry because I know that I am sitting there listening to their sorrows when I just want to sit in my little chair in my little corner. But that is work, and all I can do is make it through.

On a side note, cupid is still playing cupid. Meaning, Brad is supposedly calling me soon. I met Brad at our security event in Baltimore last week. Cupid was with Brad and thought it would be “fun” to hook us up. If you met me at a show, you would know very quickly that that wouldn’t be possible. I basically stay in work mode. Apparently I have lost this battle and now Brad will be contacting me. He seems like a very intelligent, fun guy – but when it comes to dating, I am not good at it. So this shall be interesting.

Other than that, all is the same. Oh – Steph brought me a WWJD bracelet today. That made me smile. I used to wear one all the time – then mine broke. Well, we got talking; I saw hers and I reminisced. Now I have one again! It’s the small things that make me smile.

Have a good week all!


Sean said...

You are a nice person Kelly. But, don't let people at work take advantage of that. It's not up to you to make them happy. I know that you are nice and want to help people, but them counting on your smile is keeping you unhappy.

My boss at work is one of the kindest, nicest people I know. Just ask Christine. He is a very kind-hearted man. With that said, I have a co-worker who takes advantage of that. He never comes to work on time. He calls in once a week.

Well, my nice boss has to fire him now. And, he doesn't feel to bad about it.

You have to do what needs to be done.

Hope I helped.

kelly said...

thanks sean!

Kyle Wash said...

Od I need to beat up this Brad guy? You know I will, just say the word!

I know hat you're talking about with the work cheerleader stuff. I feel as though I have to keep people in good spirits throughout the work shift as well. Lucky for me I've been in a pretty good mood lately.

Goodl luck with this Brad guy, let me know if you need m help with him :)

liam said...

good luck with brad. if he turns out to be a good one, it'll be so much better. I'm just finding that out.

so whens the next visit to rochester?

mlwash said...

Being a cheerleader is exhausting but, you have a special gift allowing you to BE the cheerleader. People around you appreciate this gift, even if they don't express their appreciation.

Sean said...

I agree with Mr. Wash. They appreciate it without even knowing it.

What would they do without you??? :)

Googlr said...

check this out