Saturday, January 20, 2007

The days are getting closer and closer to my moving day. The closer it gets, the more it is hitting me. There are still so many things to take care of, and I am ready for all this to be over. Doing a blind move is exciting, yet terrifying. I will be happy (more so I hope I will be happy) on the day I am sitting in my new place, all my crap still in boxes, but at least all my crap will be in the new place. The unpacking, I can deal with; it is the moving around of all the crap. Fun times!

Today or tomorrow I am moving Bart to my parent’s house. As for me, that is tomorrow night I will be there. Monday after work, I pack up the ABF truck with all my jazz and it will be suitcase living.

However, I am at the point where 90% of me understands I am making the right decision, but 10% of me is beginning to become that scared girl. One, I hate being a scared girl. Two, why can't I just cry and be done, and be back to not being scared. You know that cry outburst will now happen at the most un-needed time. All is well, what can you do really? I made my decision, I am following through with my decision, and I can't worry about money or bills or whatever it may be anymore. It is all coming together beautifully, and I have to follow that track.

Alright, off to finish packing.

1 comment:

Xtine said...

I'm getting very excited for you!!!