Saturday, February 10, 2007

First Full Week

This week was my first full week of being in Arizona. So far so good. I brought some work home, I am giving my two bosses a presentation/project on Tuesday, and I want it to be good. Although I feel like it won't fully be what they want since I am still pretty new to the company. But I am doing my best from what I know. Plus, I called to get some quotes on some badge stock, and did receive any of the quotes that I was told I would have by Friday. I will make it work though!

I knew moving here that people are more casual. I didn't know what that fully meant regarding work hours. I knew they were more laid back, if you had a doc apt. it wouldn't come out of PTO. It is so much more than that. I believe I spent about, oh maybe, 30 hours at work this week. 30 hours! Left early to go to the bar, go home, go to the bank - what ever it was - I never worked a full day, nor did anyone there.

Thursday I was getting ready to leave, at 3, and the guys we talking about hiking and asked if I wanted to join them for a lunchtime hike on Friday. They were thinking about leaving work at 1:30 -2 and just go. "Sure, I'd love to!" was my answer. Get to work yesterday to find out one of the guys had a conf. call at 2 so we were leaving at 12 to hike so we all could be back. It worked better for me, I had stuff I was getting done. So 12 we all changed and headed off to Pinnacle Peak, it looked beaufitul. We began the upward hike at a very faced paced walk...I could do this. Hike up what a 1/2 mile at this speed...I can do this! NO! Then it went to a jog. This mile hike I thought we were on was a 4 mile round trip medium difficulty hike that we either ran or did a vary face paced walk. I can't tell you the pain I was/am feeling last night and today. My legs, shoulders, ass, name it probably hurts. This so called "hike" probably took us 35-40 minutes. So my goal is to get up to that speed before they try to kill me again. Today or tomorrow I am taking my camera (the sights I was able to look up for were amazing) and taking this 4 mile hike at a bit slower rate to become more familiar with it!

Alright, I hope all is well with everyone. I owe some calls...they are coming.

:) miss you all!

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