Saturday, February 3, 2007

Made it!

A week ago tomorrow, Mom, Bart, and I headed West...and now here I am, almost a week later, sitting in my new place.

The drive wasn't bad. I learned I never want to live in Arkansas or Oklahoma. Texas, New Mexico and Arizona are beautiful though. (Thank goodness Arizona was on that list!) The move went as smooth as possible, and I am very thankful that my friend Jeff was actually looking forward to helping me move. Below are some pictures, they aren't perfect, but you will get an idea. The place is a lot more put together now...I just haven't taken any pictures.

This is taken from the front door looking straight back to the kitchen. The blue and brown pillow on the bed matches the shower curtain in the guest all ties together. I am keeping with my theme colors, that blue, purple, brown, black, winter white. It is looking sharp!

This is looking onto the living room area from the kitchen table. Sorry about the mess!! I bought a new floor light at IKEA that is now in the far corner and I love it.

Bart likes the window ledges! He can still sit on them. And you can tell that mom started to decorate! The other pictures, the rooms were too messy...but at least you have an idea of what my place looks like.

Alright, I am off to wash the floors one more time, put clothes away, shower, then hit the supermarket - I need food!! I hope all is well for everyone, and I will be in touch soon.


Anonymous said...

Kelly - I am sending you better pictures you can upload to this site!

What an awesome week!

Dan said...

That's a good looking place you've got there. So... when do you start tearing it apart and remodeling?

kelly said...

Haha!! I wish! I have no help sad.