Sunday, March 13, 2005

2nd "date" (if it is called that)

Okay, first I am liking this whole color thing I have going on. It is like writing with crayons!

Lets go back, Thursday. We (my neighbor and I) went to Sweet Water for dinner. (Sweet Water is the BEST restaurant EVER) That consisted of good converstaion. Favorite Movie: Braveheart, Favorite Color: Blue, Favorite Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast. Talked about high school, college and even the challenging topic of religion. This time - not challeging at all. We spoke about mission trips, and where he goes. Lets see what else, we ate lots - filat mignon for me/ribeye for him! After dinner, we drove back home and walked to our doors, I said my thank you very much and he said he would see me on saturday. I smiled and said sounds great.

Okay, now lets go to Saturday. I went to work in the morning then became a bum in the afternoon. My cell rang around 5 and it was him. He asked if I wanted to go to a movie and then dinner. I thought and I thought - do I really want to go to another dinner and a movie with a super nice guy? I forced myself to say yes, and he said 6:45 was the meeting time. So at 6:45 I walked out my door took two steps forward and knocked on his (I thought I would pick him up this time - he mentioned he wanted to show me the curtains his mom made him). I saw the curtains, very nice - props to his mom!, and off to the movie we went. We say Hitch, very good flick. A must see in my books! After the movie, we went to the Olive Garden. YUMMY! He didn't pull a Sean and get meatballs, but I had a good time anywho. We talked about embarrassing moments, favorite youth group event, friends, and the people around us. Then came the part of the evening I hate. The walking to our doors, and what do you do. He told me what time church was, and what time we have to leave by. Then what, do I hug him? what? I said my thank you's and so did he. (I bought the beer at the bar while we were waiting for a table, and the popcorn and soda) Then we stood there for a second and then both turned toward our doors and said goodnight - sleep tight kinda thing. I am way to nervous - I am still the bumbling idiot around him. He is so very kind, and funny - I don't want to say anything wrong. AH

Willy - thank you for taking my phone call. I miss not having you around to depend on (in person). It makes me feel better when another guy approves of what I am wearing. And you have good taste - so I trust you.

Gotta bounce - I have to shower and get ready for church - peace out!


mlwash said...

Sounds like a nice guy. How was church?

Anonymous said...

kelly gonna get some booty, church booty, but its still booty!!!