Saturday, March 19, 2005


I am very upset with how SU played last night - who, in thier right mind, loses to Vermont? Seriously - horrible. But I will have to say, the last part of the 2nd half and overtime was fun to watch. Especially since my neighbor was rooting for Vermont and me SU. Fun night!

In case you are wondering, I am really into this years NCAA tournament. I joined in the pool at work, only becuase our CEO gave a 10 minute speach on how he hopes everyone joins in on the fun, then threw a happy hour party to help us get into it. So I did. I put in my $5 and picked my teams, and here I go. So far, I like!

We need a color change...

Okay, well I think I might go be a bum and eat or do some work. Another weekend - I still need to get used to having weekends off. I feel like I have to do something really exciting, so when I go back to work on Monday, and co-workers ask what I did I can wow them. Last week, all I could say was nothing and laundry. This weekend - I am doing the laundry thing again. I need to get a life! Well off I go to get some grub!


Tim said...

You could enliven up your weekend and "get some grub" in some pretty good ways. Say, get some grub, and hit a "Hubble Bubble" in Cairo, or get some grub, and ride on a red double-decker bus in London! Fly out on Friday night, and take the sunday red-eye back in time for work! Let the different time zones work in your favor!

Anonymous said...

Well Kelly, I'm sorry too that SU lost. They screwed up my bracket a bit. However, Illinois (my chosen champion) is still in the running.
Scott M.

liam said...

wow lookit kelly, got some new friends to post comments. We are very proud of your social skills young lady! So did you tell all your co-workers are about your 1am phone call from Styles, Trent, Blue and Red. did ya Twiggy! You know you liked it!