Saturday, March 5, 2005

First Week Comes to End

Many of you know that I started a new job this week. For those of you who are wondering what I am ya go. I am an Event Coordinator for E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc. I work in the Security Division located in the Coporate office in Bethesda (although it is called the DC office). We are the only office in the US, so when I call other offices I am calling Mexico, Japan, Germany, China...and other country's. Basically what my company does is plan and exicute Expositions and Conferences. Very interesting and exciting!

This was my first week, so I spent it training with the girl I replaced. She was a very nice girl, my age, and quicky explained everything I need to know. Well, she tried. The afternoon of Thursday and all day Friday I was on my own. I like it. Right now I am getting used to everything. Barter Agreements, Contracts, writing formal invites to different government officials. This will be a huge learning curve for me, and I will be learning a lot from my boss.

Let me tell you about my boss. This man is very intelligent. He has been doing this for about 15 years, and just excells at it. I believe we will work well together, and he is going to teach me a great amount. I am ready to soak up all that knowledge!

On the fun side! So my first day there, the girl training me asked my if I have seen some movie that was on the Oscars List of Best Film. Now this is me we are talking about! I haven't seen ANY of those movies - nor do I really want to. If I am going to take two hours of my day to watch a movie - I want it to be entertaining to me. I had to answer this question that was asked, and since I am in a professional atmosphere now - I figured I should answer in a more professional manner. So I said: "no I havent, but I am dying to see it, is it good?" (yes, I lied!) But what I REALLY wanted to say was: Nope, but I've seen Nepolean Dynamite! Mom, you should be proud, I was a good girl!

Well, I hope I didn't bore you all too much. It has been a tiring week, but a good one for that matter. I am off, off to Office Depot - I need a brief case and a calender book with the whole year. I have two people's live I have to keep organized - mine and my bosses.

OHHHH Kyle! There is a spell check! haha - never seen that before! hahaha


Kyle Wash said...

Napoleon Dynamite: Stay home and eat all the freakin' chips, Kip.
Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I'm training to be a cage fighter.
Napoleon Dynamite: Since when, Kip? You have the worst reflexes of all time.
Kip: Try and hit me, Napoleon.
Napoleon Dynamite: What?
Kip: I said come down here and see what happens if you try and hit me.

Kyle Wash said...

I'm glad to hear you so excited about your new job, I hope the learning continues and you have ag ood time doing it.

Kyle Wash said...

Alright Kelly, after a bit I thought of these questions for you:

1>If you were Wilie COyte, how would you finally cath the roadrunner, and how would you prepare it for dinner?

2>Pick a mutant ability from a Marvel movie(XMen, Spiderman, etc.), and how would you use that gift to save ants from becomming an endagered speices?

3>Being a female of the spieces, do you have an emercency pair of pants, which are they and most of all why the heck does someone need an emergancy pair of pants?

4>Your on a raft alone in the ocean with Rudie, you have a fishing pole and bait. You dont like seafood, what would you do?

5>Descirbe to me your perfect day-dream car. You can make the whole entire thing up, make and model dont even need to exist, and tell why you decided to include certain features. Reality and the natural laws of physics and economics do not play in this.