Sunday, June 12, 2005

Summer Time BBQ's

If you came up and asked me what my favorite holiday is, hands down, it is Thanksgiving. To me it is Christmas without all the gifts. Christmas the meaning gets lost, but Thanksgiving - the meaning remains the same, no matter who you are with. It is time for family and friends to gather and just be happy to share a wonderful meal and each others company. To me summer is also the same.

Summer time is when the BBQ's take place. Who wants to grill out by themselves - yea, not me. What fun is that? You want to share a couple brews with your friends and family, share stories and enjoy a nice game of football or frisbee. Then of course there is a hug feast coming off the grill that everyone enjoys, how can you not?!

This morning I woke up very hungry, due to my HUGE dinner last night. Although, it was a delicious one. My parent's neighbor took us to this nice seafood restaurant for dinner. We all HAD to order our own appetizer (no sharing), then eat the salad and then meal that came. I was STUFFED! But I left with a smile on my face!! Anyway, back to my I get up and decided what needed to be done today. I had to make a return at Target. Since I was there, I figured I should look around a little, it was the least I could do. I remembered I needed some tables for my patio - so I headed off to the outdoor section. Found the tables and the grills! I talked myself into buying a grill. It was a tough convincing on my part: "Kelly you NEED a grill. If I must, I must." So I bought a cute grill. I say cute, because, it isn't full size, but it isn't a table grill. It is the perfect size grill for my little patio! I came home and put my grill together, then decided I needed to test it! So I invited my parents over for a BBQ, after all - it is Sunday, and Sunday's are family days. We had corn, sausage, and hot dogs on the grill and grandma brown's backed beans to go with them. Then for desert I made a Southern banana pie. Very yummy dinner and it was a perfect test for my grill! It did extremely well!

On a side note - It was fun watching this bug fly right into the fire, and then go under the coals. You could here him screaming trying to find his way out. What a dumb bug! IDIOT!


Kyle Wash said...

Sounds very nice! Wheres my leftovers???

I'm waiting.....

Anonymous said...

I want a hug feast!!!!!!!!!