Tuesday, September 6, 2005

The Wedding

Well, thanks to all who kept their fingers crossed! The wedding was beautiful. Now Emmy, Sones and I didn't talk to the maid of honor at all that day - to us, she didn't exist. But the day turned out very nice. Emmy, Sones, Renae (the bride) and I had fun. Spent most of the day picking on Renae for her farting - no matter how old you are, that always remains funny. The day went fast, and sooner than you thought, we were all in the limo heading to the wedding. I couldn't beleive how nervous we all were, and all sones, emmy and I had to do was walk down the isle. So one by one, we climbed out of the limo to smile and walk (not run). The vowes were beautiful, but what got everyone was a poem titled "Hands" - I highly recommend it for any wedding.

Reception was nice. We did the intros and stuffed our faces with food! Renae's dad, Mr. Cole, wanted pics with the Emmy, Sones, and I - he enjoyed us in High School. We were always at his apt for lunch. Then he spent his time trying to find me a guy. It was hysterical, he would introduce me to people and then share - during the intro- whether or not they were single. It would crack me up. I think he buttered up the bestman, Josh, enough to dance with me for every slow song after I made Mr. Cole dance with me. Renae had a collage of pictures, which I would have to say were rather embarrassing. But is was fun to reminice. As for the dancing. For most of the night it was just Emmy and I out there, the amazing dancers that we are, and after a while Sones was out there every song as well. Josh, and some guy named Brad would come out and show off for everyone about every two songs. During the band's last set, the wedding party plus the parents were out there. So all in all, it was a great day, and now our little Renae is married. Next will be Sones. As for Emmy and I, we are hopeless! Sorry em - but it is true.

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