Thursday, September 29, 2005

Motivation - Yea, not so much!

Staying motivated this week has been extremely difficult. I am not sure why, but I am still coming down from the past long, stressful weeks. I have things to do, and I am doing them, but I feel like I am not pounding them out like I could Maybe it is because I have so many hours and I don’t need to pound them out. I have all day, and if I get them all done – then what? I have already organized half of my inbox for emails. I already had things color coded, but now I have subfolders inside my folders. This way, it makes it much easier to locate an email if I need to do so.

OH! My big news for the week…and it makes me upset. I come to work on Monday to find that someone took my pen. I had Friday off, so have a good feeling who took it. But that was my pen. It was one I brought in from home because the pens her suck and don’t write. But why would someone take my good pen and not return it. If I find that pen on someone’s desk, I will be mad! I know it is just a pen, but it was my favorite pen. We had a good thing going. Now my pen goes home with me everyday, and that is just the way it will have to be I guess.

So I chose a name for my kitty. Now I just need to make sure when I get it, it is a boy. This name defiantly wouldn’t work for a girl. But I am excited! All I need to do now is get all the doll clothes I had when I was younger!! A kitty in a dress is the funniest thing. Hey dad – I guess some things will never change!


liam said...

when i started at the frameshop i had gotten attached to this one tape measure. it was the perfect tape measure. I let everyone know that was my tape measure. i wouldnt measure anything unless i had that tape measure. then about 6 months ago, poof!, its gone. I catch that son-bitch who took it................

Kyle Wash said...

So what's the name for your Kitty?

Xtine said...

I didn't know you were getting a kitty?!?!

kelly said...

willie - thanks for feeling my pain! I knew i could count on you.

as for the kitty - you will have to wait and see!

jadam said...

So you're going to get a boy cat and dress him up in doll clothes and dresses? That's just wrong. Cats hate being dressed up anyway... on second thought, go right ahead.