Sunday, February 19, 2006

Part of your world

About two years ago I posted a blog on Kelly Land. Today, I was cleaning my place and one item that I cherish I rearranged, my bulletin board. I have had this since I was a little girl. I have never really used it as a bulletin board, it has always been my memory board, and today I changed it up. Even though I changed it, there are a couple items on there that have been there for years, and I don't foresee them coming down for a while.
Item number 1: My Indy500 pin. I don't know what year I was there, but I believe it was when we lived on Bending Oak Drive (which means it was before I hit 6th Grade)
Item number 2: My Purdue Patch - this I got when Kyle was at Purdue and I was in the 11th grade. It was on a pair of PJ bottoms and I tore it off one day when I was mad. So now it then went on my board and hasn't come off.
Item number 3: A poem written by a youth group friend about a retreat I had been on. It is a poem that makes you remember that you have to open up and let people into your life, or you who will you have to lean on?!
Item number 4: My Purdue pin - this I got at orientation with Mike and my Dad! HIGH FIVE!
Item number 5: A picture of Rudie - one dad took of Rudie laying by the pond. This picture is very faded because it used to be in my window - and it moved to my board. One of my favorites of him!
Item number 6: A Happy Anniversary card - It was valentines day, I was a sophmore at Purdue - and of course wasn't dating. My friend Jay was on his way to pick up his girl for dinner and brought my a pink flower with that card, and said "sorry, they didn't have one that said Happy Valentine's Day" - I will never forget that. He was a friend that I will never forget - he never forgot about me, and made sure I knew it. I just hope I did the same for him.
Item numer 7: Serene (college roomate) made each of us a index card with our names on it for our boards in our dorm. It has gone from my dorm board to my board here.

I mentioned before that I had written about Kelly Land, well as I rearranged some things - I brought me into Kelly Land. I was going thought all these great memories as I cleaned up a bit and it made me realize, it is time I start making more memories. I was reading past blogs - and they are all consistant. They all talk about work. So my self resolution is to get out there, meet new people, make new memories. Now is the hard part - how?

Words of Wisdom:
Everyone has faults, instead of being annoyed by those, learn to cherrish those - for that is the first thing you will miss once that they are gone. If you learn to love those faults, then they will always be there.

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