Saturday, February 18, 2006

Post 200 - Routine

Yesteryday I got home from my second show. I say my second, becuase I have helped out at another division's show. This show went well, I really can't complain. This show was more tiring than the other two. We didn't really have late nights with the "clients" The latest I went back to my room was 9:30, but man did it feel like it was 2. Any who, I am back home and have slept about 16 hours and am back into my routine. I am sitting here drinking coffee and getting ready to go grocery shopping. I was going to go food shopping before the show - but there was no time. I hate grocery shopping, but I also hate not having food in the house.

I thought I would catch eveyone up on Bart. He is doing well. He really missed me while I was gone. Hasn't left my side yet. Cute, but getting annoying. I am starting to feel bad that I need to step out for an hour to get food. He is getting bigger - but still cute. Dad says he still has his wussy meow! And he does. But in all reality - he is a wuss. He is afraid to go outside by himself. I can leave the screen door wide open and he will just sit there and watch - and when he hears people in the distance he sprints to hide under the bed! He is one little scardey cat! But he is my little scardey cat! It is really funny - if you could see it. I will even have the screen closed, and he will still do it!

Well I am off to catch up on my blog reading and work on the place! Hey Willy - you know the clock you got for our apt, you still have it where you and K live - I got the same one for my living room. Dorky - i know, but I never said I wasn't a dork!

Miss you guys!!

Words of Wisdom -
Don't let anyone intimidate you, no matter who they are! Stand up straight, smile, and BE YOU! If you let others intimidate you, you will go no where, and be no one. Everyone has a wonderful attribute - let it shine.


Kyle Wash said...

HA wussy cat. Mom and Dad and I were looking at pictures of Bart today at the Listies. Dad also had a picture of Hogan, holy crap has he changed since Rudy went away, he looks so skinny, and it was only a shot of his head. I couldn't beleive it! I feel bad for him. Give him a good cuddling for me. I'm sure it would be nice to cuddle a non-wussy cat for once :)

Sean said...

Preach on baby!