Thursday, May 11, 2006


OVER! The show is over, and I have to say it went extremely well!! Very tiresome - but exhibitors and attendees were happy. The next show - Maritime - and that is in September. :)

I am starting to get back into my routine, which is one thing I don't really like to get out of. And now I have time to catch up with my friends...

Bart is growing up. On Sunday he went over to my parents house to get his energy out while I worked. Dad was taking down a tree and I hear Bart was good help. He was chasing all the birds. I have a hunter on my hands!! On Tuesday, I actually was home by 6:30 that night so I let Bart out. I go to call him in at 9:30 to find him chasing a bunny. :( Birds - okay; bunnies - no!! I called his name and he came running back. Good Bart! I would have to say that Bart is very happy the show is over, he is enjoying getting attention again.

Last Thursday Justin took me to lunch, and it was a hour away from work that I needed! Today we are doing lunch again. He leaves tonight to see his parents for the weekend (Mother's Day), so lunch it is. It will be nice, and my mind won't be a 1000 different places this time.

This weekend should be good. I am going to help dad take down another tree, then Sunday is mother's day. That i am still trying to plan. Bernice (their neighbor) isn't here, which is a bummer, she is always great company. I would like to do something nice, since she has been such a huge support over the past couple years.

Once more thing - politics. I am getting sick of it all. Living in the DC area, you really need to stay on top of it all...but it gets old people, it gets old real fast. Yes, Congressman Goss resigned...I DON'T CARE WHY...he made a very poor decision and he resigned because of it. LET IT GO. Why do we, the people, find a need to pry and pry and pry until we find why he resigned? Are we really that big into gossip? That is all it seems to be to me. Let's dig up dirt on everyone and publicly humiliate them. Oh, then there is the twerp that wants to go on TV and hold his breath for 9 minutes. What idiot would do that? If he wants to die on tv - let him die. It was his own stupidity. That is a cry for attention, and to me, he made a fool of himself.

Okay, I best go finish getting ready for work. After all - I need to be there on time if I am taking a long lunch!! Something my CEO frowns upon!

1 comment:

Sean said...

Politics is... well, politics. Insanity, but I think needed insanity. Unfortunately.