Monday, May 22, 2006

Tear/How about some cheese with that?

When I was younger television shows and movies never made me cry, and I prided myself on that. I would make fun of my mom if she would tear up in a movie – “Mom, it’s just a movie” I would say.
Nowadays, I find myself tearing up so easily. I was watching a movie, now I can’t remember what it was, but there I was, a blubbering idiot!! I must be growing up. But that makes you not want to watch movies with a guy – you don’t want to cry at the stupid things in front of guys, girlfriends okay – but not guys.

This past weekend was great. Saturday I relaxed with Mom and Dad. Mom and I picked out new glasses for dad – he will get them in about a week. Shall be interesting. Sunday, I hung out with the boy. We went to lunch and wine tasting at one of his favorite wineries. I had never been wine tasting, but I had a blast!! It was beautiful outside, and we talked for hours while we had a glass of wine with cheese and crackers. I could have sat there all night, it was so peaceful.

His birthday is coming up – any suggestions of what to get him??

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