Sunday, September 10, 2006

Another weekend!

The Finished picture from last weekend of opening up and painting the kitchen. I never posted a final picture. It made for a very busy weekend, but I am glad that I pushed hard to get it done.

The larger opening is so nice. Now, when I am making dinner, I can still see the TV or watch the kids playing out side and scaring Bart! (that is actually the most fun!)

This weekend I am trying to be as productive, however, it isn't working as well. Yesterday I slept most of the day to get ride of a headache. It didn't go away until about 9 last night. I did hit up Barnes and Nobles and got five books. Yes, five. If you know me well, that is odd! Three books on work (How to Balance Work and Life, 135 Tips on Writing Successfully, and The Idiot's Guide to Meeting & Event Planning) I began reading the The Idiot's Guide to Meeting & Event Planning, it gives many good tips which some I do and some I don't. It also gives plenty of good websites to visit.

While I was in the management sections, I saw a book How to work for an Idiot which I thought was pretty funny. I began to read it, and found it wasn't the right book for me. Is there a book about how to work for a guy who thinks it is his way or the highway, he is always right, and doesn't listen to a word/suggestion you say? If there is, please let me know. I refuse to read the books about climbing the corporate ladder in heels. That did make me realize that every person, that I know of, that held my position in the past has been a female. I would like to see my boss work with a guy in my position, and I would like to see how a man handles my boss. My boss seems to be the person who thinks he can win you over by sweet talking you. "Oh, everyone loves you, loves the job you do..." bla bla bla. I don't think he has learned that I know that is all crap! Yes, I am liked at work, but don't give me that crap. Any who, I am trying to keep learning about my position - since I am not learning at work. I don't want what I have learned in the past to be lost. There will be a day when I want to start interviewing again, and I need to be on top of my game. As you can see above, Bart works hard with me!

Well I am off to head back to Barnes and Nobles, grab a coffee, the Sunday paper, and a resume and cover letter book and keep my information up to date. Any suggestions would be of great help. I am not one that likes to write about myself in that manner.


Anonymous said...

Start keeping a "brag sheet" at work. Every week or so, just add what you've been doing recently, anything you're particularly proud of or that you boss commended. It helps so much when you are looking for specific examples of what a wunderkind you are on the job.

Nice kitchen window. Now you just need bar stools and a countertop. And some taps. That should do it.

kelly said...

Thanks dan! I have been trying to comment on you blog, but it won't allow me to. Is there a hint I should be taking!?!

Kyle Wash said...

Good idea Dan. I agree keep a tally of accoplishments, that little calander book I use, I record everything I do on a weekly basis, so at ym managment meetings everyweek ICan go through everything I did for the restaurant.

You watch the kids scare Bart? That seems incredibly inhumane. Maybe he should be here with his cousin Charlie.

Your show is comming up this week right, or is it beginning of next week? Good luck with it I'm sure everything ewill go great.