Wednesday, September 27, 2006


While at the show in NYC, I was given a beautiful silk scarf from one of our China companies for assisting with Visa's and the Chinese Embassy information. Today I am wearing the scarf, it is beautiful, how could I not wear it. Anywho, now the office is wondering who I got a hickie from. Apparently, another co-worker only wears a scarf when her boyfriend gives her hickies. FUNNY PEOPLE!

On a great side note, I was at Target the other week and I came accross sock puppet monkey jersey sheets. Oh yea, my new fav sheet!! Very comfortable. But you all wouldn't know, and won't know - cos I am not sharing my bed with anyone!!! Yea! How do you like me now?

Okay, I am off to get ready to get out of here. I work with a bunch of two year olds and it is getting tiring.


Sean said...

2 year olds? I find that hard to believe. You have to get up very early to fool me... Nice try.

Dan said...

Sock Puppet Monkey Jersey Sheets...? Okay then.

Working with two year olds might be bad, but I'm getting mighty tired of working with guys as old as my grandfather. "No, I do not want to explain how to use Excel again."

kelly said...

haha! I have to teach my boss word/excel and how to add an attachment in an email at least four times a week!! I am glad I am not the only one doing that.

Kyle Wash said...

Ummm nice sheets? They sounds really really cool, I need to rush out and get myself a set.... or not.

Xtine said...

I have sheets with monkeys on them... but they are for a twin mattress... so I can't use them anymore. I saved them anyways because I love them so much. I think my mom ordered them from the delia's catelog like 5 years ago :) I think we should have a monkey farm together - what do you think??? :)