Thursday, September 21, 2006


I am back in the office today, the show is over. Last night and today we, those who were at the show, are a bit gitty. However, I am glad it is over. Show went well. We had about 70 cadets there to help, which is always a plus. Who doesn't enjoy men in uniform! Steph and I were trying to hook each other up - granted I am way to old for any of them. But we both got stuck going to dinner with two of them. Steph and I had a blast feeding off eachother, the two guys, I don't think they has as much fun!

Today, I have done NOTHING! I arrived to work around noon and I opened my email. Oh, wait, i did check one of them. But that is about it.

Alright - off to get ready to leave. Though day - but tomorrow starts prep for the next show.


Anonymous said...

Cadets... midshipmen, from Annapolis? Right on, stick it to those squiddies.

kelly said...

They were midshipmen from Kings Point - WAY too young. But they were fun to have at the show. They kept making fun of me for being 27 and single! It was a a blast!

Anonymous said...

KP! I hope you worked them like dogs as well as getting a free dinner out of them.