Friday, December 8, 2006

Holiday Challenge

People seem to forget the importance of the holidays.

I have been pretty quiet lately at work, which has given me the opportunity to observe. It is interesting to hear what people are talking about. To say the least, it has been pretty depressing. What I hear is complaints, and nothing but.

People are asking what others are doing for the holiday's and you hear about gifts. Some are upset because they are not getting what they want. Other's picking out their own gifts, so they get what they like. To me, this is so very sad.

While this conversation is going on, a co-worker/friend of mine unexpectedly lost his father this week. I bring this up because what I hear most are those worried about gifts, while this one co-worker is going through one of the biggest losses of his life.

We need to listen to what we are saying. What you are talking about? Are you more worried about what will be under your tree, or what you will be receiving for Hanukkah? To me, everyone needs to take 10 giant steps back and look at what we have around us and be thankful. Look at the meaning as to why you celebrate these joyous holiday's - realize that it isn't about the gifts, it is about something so much more. Yes, Thanksgiving has past, but that doesn't mean it is time to get greedy - it is still time to be thankful.

This holiday season, I challenge everyone around me to open there eyes and see the deeper meaning behind this. Forget about the gifts, forget about the ads for all the stores. Take a walk, smell the winter air, and think about what the best gift of all is. Is it something that you can put a price on? Is it something you will find in a store? Or is it something you already have that you can cherish from this day on?

If you have trouble with this, turn on any Holiday movie and it will help you remember.

1 comment:

Sean said...

I agree with you. And, I tip my hat to you for having the guts to write what you really feel.

Merry Christmas :)