Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I have tried to be very good this year, and pay attention. Well now that I have done that, I have found out that I will not be voting this year. When I went to the DMV to change everything over four months ago, I checked that little box that said "check here if you want to register to vote". Four months later I come to find out that the DMV screwed up. Not only did it happen to me, it also happened to my father. I was putting forth the effort to make an educated decision and now I can't even cast my vote. Needless to say, I am a WEE BIT frustrated with the DMV and a little letter might be coming their way.

Besides that. Today was a bit of a rollercoaster. I have been all excited to go to Rochester for the week, and I get to work today to hear that there a good chance that I may not be going. The girl that I am going with was in the hospital. Well she is out now, and she is okay. I think she is very stressed out. Anywho, the doc gave her clearance to work, which means Rochester here we come! Oh and Kyle, I don't care when you work. I will see you. That is all that matters. Then a month later we get to see each other again! LUCKY YOU!

Words of Wisdom:
Tell the ones you love that you love them. Tell them every day. It brightens you day, and it is good to hear.


Sean said...

Kelly, the NY DMV is aweful! A couple of years ago I switched insurance companies and the DMV didn't update their records. So I got pulled over and according to the cops "computer" in his car, I didn't have insurance. I showed him my insurance card and registration and he said, "That doesn't matter. It says in the computer that you don't have insurance." They towed my car. As a matter of fact, you may remember this incident. You and Chris had to pick us up on Hudson Avenue near Wegmans. So, I had to pay $120.00 to get my car back, which I did. Then, I called the DMV and they wouldn't refund my money for the mistake that THEY made!! Can you believe it?? I even wrote a letter, and no response. The California DMV out here isn't much better. They charge an arm and a leg if you want to drive here. Life goes on. :-)

Anonymous said...

Kell, dad Lodice is very excited that you will be in Rochester. I told him about your trip and he wanted to know what store... when... yadda yadda. Haha.

As for NY DMV, nothing... I mean, NOTHING is worse than overseas military DMV. I don't care what you say. You get a bunch of military office workers... and a military facility and BAM! you have the most screwed up DMV ever. Talk about slow... you wait for 3 hours at a time. But that is just becuase everytime an officer comes in, he or she gets taken care of first. um, excuse me, I was here first. Ugh.