Friday, April 29, 2005


My mother raised a very good point. If you read the comments on my last posting, my mother brought up dating in her second comment. I have been mentioning this fleece thief, or fleece boy - but how much do I know about this guy? Then my mother brought up a serious question that I don't even know the answer to. So I think now is the time to start getting the answers. Question number one:

How many Oreo cookies can he fit in his mouth with a gulp of milk before he bursts?

Okay Fleece boy - you need to answer.


Anonymous said...

Are they soggy cookies or still crunchy? Now that's a great question.

(Oreo's give me gas.)

liam said...

now is "fleece boy", and by that way dude that name sucks, the nice gentlemen who roused me a 3am one night?

Anonymous said...

One may assume that once they are pushed, mangled, scruntched [is that a word?] in your mouth, at that point they soften and yes, become soggy. Hence more quantity capabilities!! We love the engineering thoughts of how to make the logistics work to the best of your ability. This answer is promising!!

Did we ASK ANYTHING about gas, or is this MORE information than we need to know. Hmmm....dearest "tubbie" - he has a result of Question #1 - I would say run like the wind!! [no pun intended!!!}

BUT, he did do very well on the first I think you may want to give it at least one/two more dates.

Love, Your Advisement Committee

Kyle Wash said...

I'm glad your aen't beating around the buch and getting straight to the real issues at hand when meeting someone.

Now Oreos is one thing, but what about the Pees? You can't forget to ask how many peeps you can eat in one sitting....