Friday, October 15, 2004


Okay, so I work today until 8 to come home and pack up my car. After that I need to try and get some sleep since I have to wake up at 4:15 tomorrow to be at work by 6. I get out at 2:30 tomorrow then it is CAMPING for me!!! I am all excited. I have my sleeping bad all layed out in my living room, the tent is in the trunk and now all I need is clothes. I have decided to wear my work boots with jeans and a sweatshirt. If you can't tell - I am really really really excited. I love camping. It is the sitting around the campfire with no responsibilites except to not catch on fire. It will be a bit chilly, but don't you worry - hot chocolate and bailys. (or so I have been told) Another good thing about that - I love hot chocolate! I have this feeling I won't be getting much sleep tonight, but I tried to get up early this morning so that wouldn't be a problem.

Maybe this camping trip will help me get Willy's last posting out of my head. I don't need to hear about his bathroom habits, I did have to live with it for a year. And what joy that was! (Willy I still love you) Right now I am thanking my lucky stars that I am not Molly. And if it was me, I would have killed you! Okay, time to shower and get ready for work. Oh - happy happy joy joy!

Words of Wisdom:
Purdue plays Wisconson on Saturday at 5:30. I best see some Purdue wear - or you will have to hear it from me! And memorize Hail Purdue. There will be quizes!


liam said...

remember what ive always told you. But out on the first date, and always remember to wear your Purdue sweatshirt when they lose. you'll always have something to cry into! Have fun camping!

Sean said...

Oh Will, you never got your money from Molly? That's ok, she owes me over 300 dollars too (which I will never see). Ugh.