Monday, October 24, 2005

Dear Willie

Apparently this is the only way to for you to read this. If you are going to post, you have to know that your friend will want to respond. Notice how I said friends – that means we care, we love you. We have been apart of each others lives now for at least 5 years, some longer than others. That means no second guessing if we like you. Willie, if we take the time to talk to you, get to know you, hang out with you – that means you are liked. And what the hell do you care anyway? Do you like yourself? That is where you need to start.

Yes, your grandfather was a significant person in your life, and when he passed, it was an extremely difficult time for you. But you know what, he is still alive in your heart, and he always will be. You have all these reminders of him everywhere you go. Use that to your expense. Instead of wallowing, and missing him tremendously, continue to make him proud. He is still watching you, you just can’t see him. Your grandfather wants to see you use your talents to the fullest, not watch you sit on your loral’s and complain about it. Willie – get up, get out there and show yourself what you got, because Willie, you have a lot to give. (You don’t have to show us, we know, we are just waiting for you to figure it out!) Now it is up to you to prove it to yourself to do it.

And Willie, one more thing. The answer isn’t in drugs and alcohol or smoking for that matter, it is in you. And if you need a shoulder to lean on, man you have plenty of those! Don’t doubt that. You have a roommate who will be there to listen. Now he might be strong with advice, but listen – he is a pretty smart guy and it may help. You have Sean and Christine – both very smart people who care and will also give you good advice. And you know you will always have me. If you need another night, staying up chatting all night – count me in. Those are the best times – when friends are there for one another.


Sean said...

Beautifully said my friend!

Kyle Wash said...

priase on mah sistah.

liam said...

thank you