Tuesday, October 4, 2005

News, news, and more news!

Today was another day, work was the same - nothing too exciting, but 5:30 hit and I was out the door. I took Bart to the vet today, got a clean bill of health, can't beat that!! However, on the way home from work, I got some unexpected news, Chase-Pitkin is closing it's doors. Now to those that don't know Chase-Pitkin (CP), that is the place I worked for 7 years. That is my "home" where I met all these amazing friends which are like family. Just think, I started to work there because my brother was there! This was something we all knew was coming, but I expected CP to last for another 5 years, not now. My heart goes out to all my friends that are still employeed by CP, they have some big changes headed there way. I know CP will offer them jobs at Wegmans, but take it from someone who knows - Wegmans is no comparison to CP. CP had the family sense to it, Wegmans lacked that family sense. CP is tools and home projects, Wegmans is food. What, are they going to ask the former lumber manager or plumbing manager if they want to work in deli?! I mean seriously, how does that compare? They have a love to tools, not meat! Anywho, that was that news. I have gotten over the shock, but the saddness is still there. Kinda odd - but CP was my Cheers! Everyone knew everyone, and I can still go back and walk in to see smiles of friends. Anywho, moving on...

I receive another call today - Josh. Josh was the bestman in my friend Renae's wedding, very funny, nice guy. Well I was very excited hear that he will be living here for 5 months! Then he asked where I live in the DC area - so I said on the Maryland side, not thinking he knew many towns. Well he went on to inform me that he will be living in Bethesda! YAY! I have a new friend living down the street from me soon! Five months is a long time, and that will give me time to start meeting new people, and he is coming at the perfect time. All the weddings will be over, and things will be settling down. Well that is all my news for today - I have one more CP call to return, then I am off to bed.

I have to say Bart is turning out to be the lucky one - he is sleeping through all the calls. There are a couple calls I just can't return yet - I just don't know what to say to some of my friends. I am just thankful I am not there and having to start over.


Kyle Wash said...

Need more pics of Bart!!!

Yea I saw the news about CP today too. I'm not sure what WIllie is going to do I havent talked to him about it yet. I think he was a bit of time since they are starting with Horesheads and one other.

liam said...

yeah you forgot my phone call of condolence. thanks alot!:P