Friday, October 14, 2005

More Bart stories...

Two nights ago I am home, enjoying my time, playing with Bart. Then I had to pee - I know that is the last thing you want to hear - you'll deal. Anywho, so I had to pee. So Bart follows me in, I pee and flush. Bart was interested in the flush - he actually didn't run away this time. He slowly crawled up and was walking in circles around the toilet seat just watching. I knew right then I needed my camera - it was inevitable what was going to happen, and I had to catch it on camera. Well, after a few times circling the toilet seat, he slipped and in he went!! It was great, I had a towel ready and dried him off. Needless to say he was a bit scared, but boy did I laugh. Man, the small things just kill me!!

Every morning, Bart sits on the toilet (I keep the seat closed) while I do my make-up, and he just watches. He stays by my side. After work, I come home, and have to pee. (I know you are enjoying my pee stories!) Bart is always excited to see me every night! So I go straight to the bathroom and put the toilet seat up. Bart comes running, full speed into the bathroom and jumps up and right into the toilet!!! I was crying I was laughing so hard. He plopped right in and didn't even see it coming. Now he is a bit more careful before he jumps up on the toilet seat!

Well I am off to have beer with the girls from work!

Have a good weekend all!


Kyle Wash said...

Good stuff, I already miss the kitten days with Charlies.

Sean said...

Ha ha! Just make sure in the winter he doesn't eat the yellow snow, ok? :)

kelly said...

HEY! Bart is smarter than that! Why don't you make sure you don't eat any yellow snow - JERK.