Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Girls Weekend!!

It is almost here!! Two more days of work, then I am off for a weekend of fun. I can't wait. Jimmy is going out of town with the guys, so Dawn and I decided it was the perfect time for us grils to hang out. I head to Charlotte Friday morning, and right now, that can't come soon enough. I need the weekend away more than anything!

The past couple days have been fun. I have been catching up with old friends. Jasho was one of my good friends in High School, we lost touch after college. He seems to be doing great still, which is always good to hear. Then a guy I was in a class with 7th - middle 10th grade, Jeremy is his name. He is now married and still living on Colorado. I was saying how it is nice to hear that he is doing well, then he says - why are you single, you are pretty and great to be around. I wanted to punch him, He wouldn't give me the time of day when we were younger. The only time he talked to me was when he needed a volleyball partner for the coed intermural teams. I laughed it off, but hello! But it has been fun seeing where old high school friends are.

I have been having odd dreams again. Dreams that just don't make sense, but in a way they make complete sense. My dreams take place in Rochester, with the people I have met while living here - and the events just don't line up. Kinda funny. I haven't been sleeping through the nights either. I wake up at 4, and Bart is not pleased with this, but now is getting used to it. To my body, 4am seems like a perfectly good time to wake up, get some food (what else can you do at 4am?) and watch some tube. Mad About You is on Nick at Nite, that is better the CSPAN. I tend to not go for depressing news at 4am. Heck, I wake up to it on talk radio. So yea, I go back to sleep around 5:30 to wake up at 6 or 6:30. Yea, this needs to end. Although, I am not that tired at work, so that is a good thing.

Well I am off to make some food. I am pretty hungry!!

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