Thursday, June 1, 2006


Today our division is going to Hamburger Hamlet for lunch. If you don’t know what that is, you are deprived. It sounds like a Bill Gray’s or Tom Wahl’s – but oh no, it is far from it. It a casual nice sit down restaurant with about twenty amazing burgers to choose from, and today we are going!! I will have to get my usual order: French onion soup and a nacho burger. Their French onion soup is one of the best I have ever had, and the nacho burger, it makes my mouth water just thinking about it. You can’t mock it until you try it!! Our division is waiting on one person to get out of a meeting…and she best hurry. We would be there right now if it wasn’t for her dumb, boring, annoying meeting. Who schedules meetings at 11 when we like to eat between 12 and 12:30!?!? Rude I tell you, just plain rude!!

Last night I had my second to last dance class. It was fun. We did the tush push again at the end of class, and again, the class laughed at me since I knew the dance. HELLO! You need to get out more peeps! After dance, I went to Justin’s and he took me to Clyde’s for desert and a glass of wine. A very relaxing, perfect evening, although the stars were hard to see. I didn’t leave his place until 12:30 – so today I am exhausted, it is worth it. Next week is his birthday – so I need to head to the store to get him something. 

I am thinking about taking a trip home. I haven’t been home since November, and I haven’t been home for “fun” or on my own agenda since Christmas 2004. I would like to take my time to see my friends and family – but I am not sure if I am up to it. I would like to see Sean before he moves, and my brother. It is just so much work to go home. You have the grandmother visit, the aunts, uncles and cousins to see…then your friends. Friends are the most difficult to fit in. I have the CP gang that I would like to see, but then I end up spending all my time with my brother and Sean. Also, all your friends want you to go where they are instead of helping you out and them coming to the bar you are in. OR I could go the route where I don’t tell anyone I am coming home – but then when I return and people find out your where in town and you didn’t call – trouble! I will keep thinking.

Christine – hope your trip continues to go well!


Kyle Wash said...

Well it would be great to see you, but we have Lake George in aother month. With gas prices and such I don't want you taking time off of work for a trip that could be a pain in the arse with so much to balance.

I won't bring a book this year to vacation, I promise.

kelly said...

YAY - NO BOOK!!! I will actually get to see your face and talk to you.