Thursday, April 27, 2006

The infamous Question

Are you Happy?

I was asked that question many times this past weekend when my mother's sisters were in town. It was really their first time seeing where I live and how I live. At first, oddly enough, I was nervous...what would they think? Is the bathroom clean enough? Will they like the spare bedroom? Does it meet their standards? In the end, it is my place, it meets my standards, and the was spotless! Each of the four sisters, when they got me alone, they all asked the inevitable question. It was almost as if they were all going to compare answers to see if I gave them the truth. So I thought I would tell my friends the same thing...since I do get this question from time to time from them.

Yes, I am extremely happy here. There are days when it is particularly difficult since I don't have my close friends nearby. But I get the text messages from Sean saying Happy Friday or Christine saying hello since we haven’t talked in a while, or Kyle calling just to call. It helps to know that your close friends are still there, they haven't left. I did this move to better myself, and I certainly did. If I had stayed in Rochester, I probably would have closed with Chase-Pitkin and taken the transfer to Wegmans. Instead, I took the opportunity to get out of Rochester and grow. I grew up. Now I come home after work and relax, watch a little tube or read and eat dinner. I have a garden now...a garden - who ever thought I would have a garden?! Although, if I do meet friends out during the week, it is usually a happy hour since we all want to be home by 7 to 8. As for my job, I have a job that I truly enjoy. Yes, if you were to call me and ask my right now you might hear otherwise, but that is just because of the timing! There is something about going to an event and knowing what you have just helped pull off! I take pride in what I do. And I still use my Wegmans/Chase-Pitkin customer service...I make time for everyone and do it with a smile. :) I love where I began my career and taking every challenge on. There have been tears and doubts, but if I didn't move onto where I am now, my tears and doubts would be wondering if I could ever be an event planner. It if funny to throw on a suite in the morning and know just about two years ago I used to throw on dirty jeans, work boots or sneakers, and a Chase-Pitkin polo that was three sizes too big and usually dirty! I miss those days of getting dirty everyday at work...but it is a great feeling to take pride in what you do and I didn't have that at CP.

It is a long answer to a short question, but the past two years of my life have been well worth the pain of moving away from my family and friends.

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