Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Okay, I am not the best one to stay home from work, unless it is planned. Well this fever thing is going around, and yesterday I came home with a 102 fever. So I slept. This morning, wake up 102. So I take a cold shower and get ready for work. My mom calls just as I am getting ready to leave - and she asked what my temp was. Now we all know, I suck a lying. I said 100. Then she asked 100? Anyway...I called in. I can't go into work when I work with people that have families when I have 102 fever - it isn't right of me. BUT I am stopping in to grab to work. Tons to do!

So yea, I was supposed to be at work 15 minutes ago, and I am already bored. I have done my blog reading (Kyle you need to keep up buddy!) and now what? Not really all that hungry, so that will wait till later. I could read, but I don't really have anything here I would like to read. I could play myself in scrabble, but after 7 rounds, it gets a little annoying. So here I am sitting here waiting for someone to come over and play! WHO IS FREE?!?! We can play monopoly, parchesee, checkers, scrabble (i love scrabble)? Anyone? please, I have food! I can go get you beer? PLEASE I AM BORED. I hate this.

I am unwanted. Unwanted at work, and no one to play with. Sad :( MEANIES!

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