Saturday, March 25, 2006

A time to relax!

Yay! Weekend is here. This week seemed to take forever, but it went fast all in the same. I was in the kitchen at work conversing with one of the temps, one that I hope with stay with us, and we were talking about the days of the week. Monday - I can't stand Monday's. Monday is the day you wish was Friday or even Sunday would do, you just don't want Monday. You spend your day trying to get back into the swing of things. Tuesday is a productive is just there. Wednesday, I never remember my Wednesday's - they just seem to fly right by and the next thing you know - it's Thursday. Thursday's you begin to prepare for weekend. You are realizing that the week is almost over and everything you wanted done by the end of the week. Then there is Friday! Thank Ya'Way it's Friday! Friday's, you never really know if it will be good or bad. You can spend your whole day huslting trying to get everything that popped up that morning done before the weekend or you could be sitting at your desk trying to find something to do since you worked so hard the day before. Pretty boring, but from what the temp and I were saying - it sounds standard.

This morning I went to get my hair cut and I made myself a nice big breakfast, french toast and bacon. There is something about bacon - you can never get enough. As for Bart, he has been locked in his cage for about 45 minutes now. He has been a bad little boy! I had bought this really pretty poster and this nice frame - yea all broken due to little Bart boy. I just bought that crap (it is crap now!) and Bart decided to go and break it before I could hang it. I have to figure out how to calm him down in the mornings when he is all excited to play.

Well I am off to relax. Tonight is Chris Kittredge's goodbye party. (Willy, you remember Chris, he is the guy I left you a note about.) I have known Chris since first grade, and we were close friends. He moved the the DC area after college, and we always stayed in touch. When ever he was back in Rochester we would hung out - and when I moved to the DC area, in two years of me being here, we have seen each other three times. All three times were within the first 10 months. Now he is moving to NYC. Haven't seen him in over a year, but I am going to his goodbye party. But here is the catch...he thinks I have a boyfriend and mentioned I should bring him. I didn't know what to say, in the three times I saw him, there was no where is this coming from? I called my friend DJ to see if he could play boyfriend for a night, but he has to work at 7 tomorrow morning in Hunt Valley (kinda far), so I am SOL on the boyfriend side, but I would still like to know where that came from. Anywho...willy what do I wear?

Oh, a guy I worked with has ruined the colors I chose for my place. He told me they were "girlie" colors. I don't want my home to be girlie!! I bought daisy's to plant outside, and now I don't want to plant them because I am afraid it will make it even more girlie. Someone smack him please. I put a lot of work into my place - and now all I see is girlie. AH!

1 comment:

Sean said...

You definitely have a girly edge.

I don't see it as a bad thing. Ya know, since you're a girl.