Sunday, March 19, 2006

Picture Catch Up!

Vacation at Lake George 2005. Mom wanted to take a serious picture and Kyle agreed!! When is mom going to learn that if you put Kyle and I (add Dad to that equation) in a room together and you want to take "nice" pictures - one of us is bound to impress you?! My philly cheese steak sandwich is lookin mighty good, but not as good as my brother! Although mom tops us all! Man, if looks could kill!
Vacation with the four of us is always interesting. Kyle and I do our annual fighting. Last year I wanted to sail, and Kyle wanted to read. HELLO!! - easy, sail. This was the time he was on crack! I spent my week getting in as much sailing as possible, and he read the latest Harry Potter book. (I am still on book three, you don't want to rush those things!) Kyle, this year - choose sailing. It is only once a year when I get to accidentally knock you in the water and leave you for good. :) luv ya!


Kyle Wash said...

Hey, I went sailing! I think my favorite was when the four of us capsized the boat!

kelly said...

hehe! When mom got hit in the head - that was funny!!