Friday, March 31, 2006


This week, many things have crossed my mind. There have been many changes going on or talk of changes and it always brings up one question, why?

Why do co-workers use other co-workers to benefit themselves at their co-worker's expense? That is vindictive and selfish and just hateful. After you are used, how can you trust that co-worker again? Basically, you can't. So that takes my back to the first question, why do they do it?

Why do friends treat other friends the way we have been? We are all friends; there should be open and honesty. There is always talk of saying that we will always be there for one another, no matter what the situation, now is your chance, put it to the test. There will always come a time when you will make your friend upset, but that is when you suck up your pride and apologize. Or when you have decided to make a big change in your life, tell your friends, let me be excited with you. Don't just let them find out somehow, then they are hurt. Why didn't they get a call or a "hey let's grab a coffee/beer." If you are planning on doing something, tell your friends, don't worry about their reaction, because if you don't tell them, then you are just making it worse. It is as if we all need to go back to kindergarten and learn how to treat one another.

Why are there so many secrets? Everyone has their secrets, yes that is understandable. But who enjoys walking around and hearing everyone whisper. It just gets frustrating. Is there really that much gossip out there that needs whispering about? I try to stay out of it as much as possible at work. It is too much, and in the end who cares who said what. I don't care if you don't like my shirt or if you didn't like how I used a certain color in an ad over another. Is it really that much fun to talk about? Why people?

Why do people enjoy telling other people off?
Why do people enjoy hurting others? If the answer is to make themselves feel better, how can that make you feel better? That would make me feel worse.

Well I could go on, but there are too many whys. And I am tired of them. I am tired of the hurt that ties into it all. YOU TIRE ME PEOPLE. Sorry this isn't a cheery post - but I am tired of it all.

I am off to go make some food. We all know I love my food.

Chase-Pitkin - 2 days left

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