Friday, March 17, 2006

Knight Rider

I have forgotten how good shows were when we were little. Yesterday, I called my brother and told him to turn on TV Land. He was a bit confused and said he didn't know what channel TV Land was - but he did want to inform me that if I was watching TV Land then I must be old! (YOU ARE OLDER THAN ME FREAK!) I told him he would know by the show when he got to TV Land, and sure enough, 15 seconds later he is all excited because Knight Rider was on! We hung up and an hour later we were back on the phone comparing our favorite lines. Today, I go to watch Knight Rider and it was McGuiver. NOT FAIR! So I might have to go to Target and buy season one on Knight Rider, it is the right thing to do!

Well, tonight it the night!! Green beer and Blue Collar baby!! My friend and I are going to meet some people out in Bethesda for some green brew before we head down to the show. This is one of the best days of the year, and having tickets to Blue Collar on this special day, you just can't ask for more! (well, I would have liked to see another episode of Knight Rider, but I will stop pouting about it.)

Okay, I am off to have ice cream and watch something. Then nap before I get ready to go out!

Hope everyone has a great St. Patty's Day!!

Devin: KITT, is Michael okay to dive?
KITT: You really want me to answer that, in from of him?

Michael: KITT, are you okay? KITT? KITT?
KITT: We're not talking.
Michael: Good, you are okay. I was worried.
KITT: Oh, so you do care.

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