Friday, September 3, 2004

Daily workout

Yesterday was a productive one! I was up bright and early to shower (yes I do take showers every other month even if I don't need it - personal hygiene is important) and head off to Mom's to help in any way I can. I was there by 9, just in time for coffee talk. I figured coffee talk would be our "warm up" before the big work out for the day. (Hey lifting the cup of coffee to your mouth can break a sweat!) After that it was Target here we come!! We figured it would be a great leg exercise - boy was I right! You could feel the burn! Mom had her list of what was needed - we left with getting 0 for 0 on the list. Not good. But hey, I did get new deodorant! Can't beat that!! After that it was back to Mom's for lunch then load my car and daddy's jeep with the bed and table. Once the cars were loaded - it was time to really break a sweat and drive to my apt to assemble the bed. Needless to say, beer time did come first. That drive was very strenuous - it was a whole 20 minute drive! Now imagine two blondes putting a bed together that involved using tools - that was basically how it went. I hit Mom in the head with one of the legs to the bed. She also stubbed her toes numerous times. There were many tears of laughter. But hey, we did it! It still hasn't fallen apart yet - shocking! After that, our daily workout was done. I would have to say, I was sweating more than mom - that must mean I was working too hard!

As for today, I have been doing the homely thing. Cleaning and ironing. Oh yes - all the fun things! Although I did make myself a good breakfast, French toast! (two helpings!) I am starting to think that I eat a lot. I always seem to be running out of food. I buy it, but then I eat it too fast. All well. So my clothes are getting a bit tight. You know how things might be a bit tight once you wash them, but then the supposedly stretch after you wear them once; yea my cloths are still too tight. I think they forgot they are supposed to stretch a bit! So the next time you see me and my cloths look a bit tight or too small - it is the cloths fault for not doing what they are supposed to do!

1 comment:

Kyle Wash said...

Bed Assembly eh? And you got it together? Did you have many extra parts?